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Romanian (RO)

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  • scumble

    Scumble is a very thin layer of opaque or semi-opaque paint that partially hides the under-layer. Scumbling is the painting technique where a thin or broken layer of color is brushed over another so that patches of the color beneath show through. It can be done with a dry brush, or by removing bits ...

    Arts & crafts; Oil painting
  • refined linseed oil

    Refined Linseed Oil is made from the seeds of the flax plant. It adds gloss and transparency to paints and is available in several forms. It dries very thoroughly, making it ideal for underpainting and initial layers in a painting. Refined linseed oil is a popular, all-purpose, pale to light yellow ...

    Arts & crafts; Oil painting
  • pigment

    Pigment is the substance or powder that makes up the color of a paint. Pigments are either organic (carbon based) or inorganic (mineral based).

    Arts & crafts; Oil painting
  • oiling out

    Oiling out – is when you paint a very thin coat of medium over the painting to bring the colours back to how they looked when you first painted them. Depending on the absorbency of the canvas, the oil can soak into the canvas leaving the paint looking dull. This is called 'sinking- in'. Oiling out ...

    Arts & crafts; Oil painting
  • plein air

    Plein air is a painting created outside rather than in a studio. The term comes from the French 'en plein air' meaning 'in the open air'.

    Arts & crafts; Oil painting
  • mass tone

    Mass Tone is the undiluted colour of a pigment or paint when it's in a large blob. Also known as mass colour.

    Arts & crafts; Oil painting
  • inpainting

    Inpainting is a painting technique commonly used by conservators to unify a painting that has suffered paint loss and refers to paint applied over damaged areas only.

    Arts & crafts; Oil painting
  • imprimatura

    Imprimatura is an initial stain of oil colour painted on a white ground which provides you with a transparent toned ground. It is similar to a coloured ground but more transparent. It comes from the Italian for 'first paint layer'. Often, the initial stain of colour painted on a ground is left ...

    Arts & crafts; Oil painting
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