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  • accreditation

    A. The process by which a (non-)governmental or private body evaluates the quality of higher education institution as a whole or of a specific educational programme in order to formally recognize it as having met certain pre-determined minimal criteria or standards. B. The instrument by which one ...

    Education; Higher education
  • duration of accreditation

    The duration of validity of the accreditation license, established by the accrediting body, which generally holds the right to suspend or to renew the license, upon the satisfactory resolution of any identified issues.

    Education; Higher education
  • accreditation body

    A (non-)governmental or private educational association of national, regional, or international scope that develops evaluation standards and criteria and conducts peer evaluations and expert visits to assess whether or not those criteria are met.

    Education; Higher education
  • portfolio for accreditation

    An accumulation of evidence (record of achievements) about specific proficiencies and the characteristics of an institution in relation to a specific type of activity, especially to learning standards. This operation can be performed either by the concerned institution or by an external assessor.

    Education; Higher education
  • academic year

    1. The duration of a specific programme of study (which may not last a complete 12 months) divided into terms, semesters or quarters and usually completed by an evaluation of the results (oral/written exam, etc.) 2. The duration of the annual cycle of a university or national higher education ...

    Education; Higher education
  • certification

    Process by which an agency or an association acknowledges the achievement of established quality standards and usually grants certain privileges to the targeted institution or individual (student or teacher).

    Education; Higher education
  • audit

    Process of reviewing an institution or a programme that is primarily focused on its accountability, determining if the stated aims and objectives (in terms of curriculum, staff, infrastructure, etc.) are met.

    Education; Higher education
  • university autonomy

    Right of the academic community, legally recognized, to make decisions on academic and financial matters without any interference or pressure (whether political, ideological or religious), and to take on certain responsibilities and competencies in accordance with the legally established national ...

    Education; Higher education
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