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  • impasto

    Impasto is the texture created in a paint surface by the movement of the brush. Impasto usually implies thick, heavy brushwork, but the term also refers to the crisp, delicate textures found in smoother paint surfaces.

    Arts & crafts; Oil painting
  • mahl stick

    Mahl stick is a wooden stick used to lean on when painting fine details. It has a long handle with a pad at one end, you rest this end on a dry area of the canvas to help steady your painting arm when painting a detailed, controlled part.

    Arts & crafts; Oil painting
  • mahl stick

    Mahl stick – (Pronounced: mar-hl)- is a wooden stick used to lean on when painting fine details. It has a long handle with a pad at one end, you rest this end on a dry area of the canvas to help steady your painting arm when painting a detailed, controlled part.

    Arts & crafts; Oil painting
  • impasto

    Impasto is the texture created in a paint surface by the movement of the brush. Impasto usually implies thick, heavy brushwork, but the term also refers to the crisp, delicate textures found in smoother paint surfaces.

    Arts & crafts; Oil painting
  • hue

    HUe is the labelling on a paint tube that denotes a combination of less expensive pigments that closely imitates the mass tone of a more expensive pigment, not to be confused with Hue when describing colours, as in the perceived colour of an object, the lemon has a yellow hue.

    Arts & crafts; Oil painting
  • glazes

    The term used for a thin, transparent layer of paint. Glazes are used on top of one another to build up depth and modify colors in a painting. A glaze must be completely dry before another is applied on top. Traditionally glazes were used on top of a black and white under-painting called a ...

    Arts & crafts; Oil painting
  • grass muller

    A glass muller is needed when grinding paint by hand and to coat the dry pigment in medium. The base of the muller has been sandblasted to form a slight roughness and is usually slightly curved. The surface you grind on to, usually glass also, can often be slightly textured to help with the ...

    Arts & crafts; Oil painting
  • fugitive pigment

    Fugitive pigment is a phrase used to describe a pigment's impermanence and tendency to fade or change colour under the influence of natural effects such as sunlight, heat, water, etc. Reynolds famously has many portraits that have lost the skin tones because he used Alizarin crimson which was a ...

    Arts & crafts; Oil painting
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