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  • stratocumulus

    Stratocumulus clouds belong to the Low Cloud (surface-2000m) group. These clouds are low, lumpy, and gray. These clouds can look like cells under a microscope - sometimes they line up in rows and other times they spread out. Only light precipitation, generally in the form of drizzle, occurs with ...

    Weather; Clouds
  • stratus

    Stratus clouds belong to the Low Cloud (surface-2000m up) group. They are uniform gray in color and can cover most or all of the sky. Stratus clouds can look like a fog that doesn't reach the ground. Light mist or drizzle is sometimes associated with stratus clouds.

    Weather; Clouds
  • altostratus

    Altostratus belong to the Middle Cloud group (2000-7000m up). An altostratus cloud usually covers the whole sky and has a gray or blue-gray appearance. The sun or moon may shine through an altostratus cloud, but will appear watery or fuzzy. An altostratus cloud usually forms ahead of storms with ...

    Weather; Clouds
  • altocumulus

    Altocumulus clouds are part of the Middle Cloud group (2000-7000m up). They are grayish-white with one part of the cloud darker than the other. Altocumulus clouds usually form in groups and are about 1 km thick. Altocumulus clouds are about as wide as your thumb when you hold up your hand at arm's ...

    Weather; Clouds
  • cirrostratus

    Cirrostratus clouds belong to the High Cloud (5000-13000m) group. They are sheetlike thin clouds that usually cover the entire sky. The sun or moon can shine through cirrostratus clouds. Sometimes, the sun or moon will appear to have a halo around it when in the presence of cirrostratus. The ice ...

    Weather; Clouds
  • cirrocumulus

    Cirrocumulus clouds belong to the High Cloud group (5000-13000m). They are small rounded puffs that usually appear in long rows. Cirrocumulus are usually white, but sometimes appear gray. Cirrocumulus clouds are the same size or smaller than the width of your littlest finger when you hold up your ...

    Weather; Clouds
  • cirrus

    Cirrus clouds are the most common of the High Cloud (5000-13000m) group. They are composed entirely of ice and consist of long, thin, wispy streamers. They are commonly known as "mare's tails" because of their appearance. Cirrus clouds are usually white and predict fair weather.

    Weather; Clouds
  • cumulus congestus

    Cumulus congestus clouds are much larger, look like cauliflower, and are associated with bad weather.

    Weather; Clouds
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