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Romanian (RO)

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  • cumulus humilis

    Cumulus humilis clouds are common in the summer and are associated with fair weather. They are usually widely spaced in the sky, have a flat base and rounded tops, and sometimes they look like sheep grazing in a pasture.

    Weather; Clouds
  • cumulus

    Cumulus clouds belong to the Clouds with Vertical Growth group. They are puffy white or light gray clouds that look like floating cotton balls. Cumulus clouds have sharp outlines and a flat base. Cumulus clouds generally have a base height of 1000m and a width of 1km. Cumulus clouds can be ...

    Weather; Clouds
  • lightfastness

    Lightfastness is the chemical stability of the pigment under long exposure to light. Artist quality paints are often rated according to the Blue Wool Scale (U.K) or American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Lightfastness is especially important in painting because the length of time a ...

    Arts & crafts; Oil painting
  • sfumato

    Sfumato, (from Italian sfumare, "to tone down" or "to evaporate like smoke"), is the fine shading that produces soft, imperceptible transitions between colours and tones. It is used most often in connection with the work of Leonardo da Vinci and his followers, who made subtle gradations, without ...

    Arts & crafts; Oil painting
  • sinking in

    Sinking in happens when the paint medium is absorbed by the underlying layer of paint, this could be due to an too absorbent or unevenly applied absorbent ground. The resulting appearance is a visually inconsistent surface, some parts shiny, some parts matte.

    Arts & crafts; Oil painting
  • varnish

    Varnish is a final layer that can be applied over a finished painting. A varnish protects a painting from environmental dirt and dust and is removable for cleaning and conservation purposes.

    Arts & crafts; Oil painting
  • turpentine

    Turpentine (spirits) is the traditional solvent or thinner for a drying oil (such as Linseed oil) distilled from the resin from certain trees, e.g the European larch, white fir, and American longleaf pine. It is used to 'cut through' the oil in oil paints, however, due to this ability, it has a ...

    Arts & crafts; Oil painting
  • sight-size

    Sight-size ia a painting technique where the key idea is that your eye needs to be able to see both the canvas and the subject in one glance, so they both appear the same size. This makes it easier to flick your eyes between the subject and your painting for judging shape, proportions and colours. ...

    Arts & crafts; Oil painting
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