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21 January 1985

1985 Borobudur Bombing- the terrorist attacked on the historical site Borobudur Temple in Magelang, Central Java.

The planner of this attacked was also an Islamist extremist named Mohammad Jawad, but until now, he was nowhere to be found.

In total there were 9 bombs placed near the Stupas as a result 9 Stupas were badly damaged.

In 1991, a blind Muslim preacher, Husein Ali Al Habsyie, was sentenced to life imprisonment for masterminding a series of bombings in the mid-1980s including the temple attack.It is believed that the attack was Indonesian Islamist retaliation on Tanjung Priok massacre in 1984. During trial Husein refused to be held responsible on the attack and mentioned Mohammad Jawad, a mysterious figure, as the true mastermind. Mohammad Jawad remain unknown. On 23 March 1999 Husein was pardoned and released by President B. J. Habibie administration.

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Terrorist Incident in Indonesia

Category: History

Total terms: 15


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