Home > Blossary: Corporate Social Responsibility CSR
Every business is usually meant for making business, i.e. making profit. Every business has too a duty to its community, whether it is to the workers by being a good employer, to the surrounding environment by causing harm as little as possible or to the share holders by delivering a reasonable return on investments, in all delivering the best to the stakeholders. Stakeholders are individuals or groups directly or indirectly affected by the Corporate culture, as well as those who may have interests in a corporate body or business or the ability to change its activities positively or negatively, such as : Business owners - Environmental activists - Governments - Trade Unions – Factory Workers – Raw Material suppliers – Point of Sale [POS] Customers. A company cannot thrive, grow without engaging its community, which includes its suppliers, its customers, its shareholders and members of the general public. The CSR shouldn’t be confused with Corporate philanthropy [loving mankind] like donating cash, foods, clothes to the have-nots, flood survivors or any disaster survivors. CSR is an umbrella concept covering various participating concepts, like Organisational Governance, Social Compliance, Social Responsibility, Corporate Philanthrophy, which include fields like Working conditions, Human Resources Management, Product Quality, Ethical Financing, Environmental protection, Community Welfare, Education & Health care, Donations to Good causes. There are some International Organisations and Programs providing and certifying CSR standards around the globe.

Category: Business

26 Terms

Created by: SharfuddinR

Number of Blossarys: 11

My Terms
Collected Terms

OHSAS representa para la salud ocupacional y seguridad Consultiva Services.OHSAS 18001 (oficialmente ' BS OHSAS 18001: 2007 ') como ISO [ organización internacional de estándares ] no ...

Domain: Business administration; Category: Business management

Punt de Control de riscos anàlisi crítica & o HACCP és un enfocament preventiu sistemàtic per a la seguretat alimentària & Phermaceutical que dirigeix perills físics, químics i biològics més aviat en ...

Domain: Business administration; Category: Business management

Vaara-analyysin & kriittisten valvontapisteiden tai HACCP on järjestelmällisesti ehkäisevästi ruoka & Phermaceutical turvallisuutta, joka korjaa fyysiset, kemialliset ja biologiset vaarat pikemminkin ...

Domain: Business administration; Category: Business management

Association du travail équitable en Floride. Depuis 1999, FLA a contribué à améliorer la vie de millions de travailleurs dans le monde. Comme un effort de collaboration de FLA socialement responsable ...

Domain: Business administration; Category: Business management

Опасности анализ & критической контрольной точки или HACCP является систематический профилактический подход для обеспечения безопасности продовольствия & Phermaceutical что скорее рассматриваются ...

Domain: Business administration; Category: Business management

危險分析 & 臨界控制點或 HACCP 食品 & Phermaceutical 安全,而是涉及物理、 化學和生物危害,而不是完成了產品檢驗的系統預防性方法。該系統是由美國食品和藥物管理局和農業部使用。HACCP 保持在實踐七項原則 ; -行為危害分析。 -確定關鍵控制點。 -每個 & 每個控制點建立關鍵限值。 -工作提出糾正措施。 介紹 & 保持記錄保存程式。 監測程式,確保 HACCP ...

Domain: Business administration; Category: Business management

Fair Labour Association FLA. Since 1999, FLA has helped improve the lives of millions of workers around the world. As a collaborative effort of socially responsible companies, colleges and ...

Domain: Business administration; Category: Business management

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