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  • Pope Leo X

    His legacy as Martin Luther's antagonist and excommunicator causes him to be remembered as one of the worse popes. Another quote attributed to him describing his approach to papacy is "Since God has given us the papacy, let us enjoy it."

    People; Popes
  • Pope Alexander VI

    Immortalized in Assassin's Creed II (though not completely accurate), Rodrigo Borgia had several mistresses, created new positions in the church hierarchy that were filled by his puppets so that he had more control, and is a role model in Machiavelli's satirical work, The Prince.

    People; Popes
  • Pope Sergius III

    The first pope to have been depicted with the Papal Tiara, as well as allegedly having started a "pornocracy" or rule of harlots, as well as reputedly having Leo V and Christopher killed.

    People; Popes
  • Pope Urban VI

    The Pope upon whose reign one of the worst schisms happened in the history of the Catholic Church. Because of his violence, the cardinals saw fit to elect another pope, who thereupon reigned at Avignon, France.

    People; Popes
  • Pope John XII

    During the years 955-964, he was the temporal and spiritual ruler of Rome, and allowed moral corruption to run rampant during his reign. In addition he was reported to have killed several people, or have had several people killed.

    People; Popes
  • Pope Saint Leo III

    The Pope who crowned Charles the Great (Charlemagne) and in return received recognition and a portion of the glory of Charlemagne's empire.

    People; Popes
  • Pope Elect Stephen

    A man who was elected to become pope; however, he died days after his election and failed to receive Episcopal consecration. Currently not considered to have been a pope by the Catholic Church.

    People; Popes
  • Pope Clement VIII

    Some ascribe part of the popularity of coffee to him. The story goes that he was urged by his advisors to ban coffee as it came from Muslims, but he got a taste for it and blessed it instead.

    People; Popes
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