
"I'm a struggling artist, frustrated writer, ...

Creative Virtual Assistant





My native language:

Filipino (TL)

Other Languages:

English, UK (UE)

  • digital pet

    A game wherein the player's task is to keep a virtual pet happy, well-fed, and alive for as long as possible. Rewards may vary from pride at keeping their Tamagotchi alive for longer than anyone else to winning virtual dog shows: Examples: Tamagotchi, Nintendogs.

    Video games; Role playing games
  • Social Simulation Game

    A game wherein the goal is to best manage the interactions between several in-game characters. There is no real main character, but rather, a group of characters who must be kept happy. Example: The Sims.

    Video games; Role playing games
  • Construction Management Simulation

    Construction and management simulation games. Players build and manage in-game projects or communities just as they would in real life were they in the position to do so. Example: SimCity.

    Video games; Role playing games
  • visual novel

    Games featuring most likely still images, usually using anime art. The game is usually played by having the main character select choices on what to do rather than explicitly controlling him. Example: CLANNAD.

    Video games; Characters
  • Text Adventure

    A game wherein the player character is controlled by the input of text commands. The genre is alternatively known as interactive fiction. Sometimes the commands that can be used may not be immediately obvious. Example: Zork.

    Video games; Characters
  • Stealth Game

    A game that emphasizes the use of stealth and not getting detected to get through the game. Typically, the player is allowed to hide, avoid noise, and use disguises. Example: Metal Gear Solid.

    Video games; Fighting games
  • Rail Shooter

    Like a first-person shooter, but the navigation of the player character is not under the player's apparent control. The player takes a predetermined route or is determined by factors that the player is not aware of. Example: House of the Dead.

    Video games; First person shooters
  • Light Gun Shooter (LGS)

    The player uses a pointer device, most often a gun, to shoot down enemies appearing on a screen. May or may not actually use light to detect whether or not enemies were hit. Example: Duck Hunt.

    Video games; Fighting games
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