


  • super

    Section super of a beehive is a part of a commercial beehive that is used to collect honey. It is filled with frames in which honeycombs are placed. Bees use honeycombs as storageroom.

    Agriculture; General agriculture
  • inner cover

    The inner cover of a beehive protects the frames and inside of a hive, as well as the bees and their products. Inner cover insulates the hive.

    Agriculture; General agriculture
  • Outer cover

    Outer cover of a beehive is placed over the topmost part of a hive, it protects the hive from rain, snow, dust and any other external factors.

    Agriculture; General agriculture
  • Dadant-Blatt hive

    Dadant-Blatt hive provides a large, deep brood chamber with plenty of room in which the queen could lay, and shallower supers for honey storage.

    Agriculture; General agriculture
  • Langstroth hive

    Langstroth hive is a hive in which bees build honeycomb into easily movable frames. It is the most used hive today since it is built to collect honey very easily.

    Agriculture; General agriculture
  • Voden

    Voden is a Slavic god of rivers, lakes and seas - a deity which rules the water. Fishermen and sailors worshipped him to protect them and give them good catch. He had the power to drown them and save them from drowning, which depended upon if he was pleased. His wife was Morana - the goddess of ...

    Religion; General religion
  • Horz

    Horz is the deity related to celestial bodies. He represents the Moon and the morning Sun. He rules the warewolves, vampires and demons, however, he is not considered to be a negative force, but simply the energy in a man or some other creature which wakes the wild, the dark, the hidden in them. ...

    Religion; General religion
  • Lada

    Lada is the goddess of love and beauty in the Slavic pantheon. She is represented as a girl of long golden hair, embroidered with wheat, so she is also a goddess of fertility. Her animals are rooster, deer, ant and eagle, and plants are wild cherry, dandelion, linden and peony.

    Religion; General religion
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