


  • Živa

    Živa, also Żiwia, Siva, Sieba or Razivia, was the Slavic goddess of love and fertility. Her name means "living, being, existing". Sieba's consort was Siebog, her male equivalent. She is the protector of children and also called Zizileja. It was believed that she was pregnant during the summer so it ...

    Religion; General religion
  • Zarja

    Zarja, Zora, Zarya, Zorya, Zory, Zore = "dawn"; Zvezda, Zwezda, Danica = "star" are the two guardian goddesses, known as the Auroras. They guard and watch over the doomsday hound, Simargl, who is chained to the star Polaris in the constellation Ursa Minor, the "little bear". If the chain ever ...

    Religion; General religion
  • worker bee

    A worker bee is any female (eusocial) bee that lacks the full reproductive capacity of the colony's queen bee; under most circumstances, this is correlated to an increase in certain non-reproductive activities relative to a queen, as well. Worker bees occur in many bee species other than honey ...

    Animals; Insects
  • Deformed Wing Virus (DWV)

    In the Deformed Wing Virus (DWV) the symptoms include deformity of wings. Deformed bees are soon expelled from the colony.

    Agriculture; General agriculture
  • Wax moth (lesser)

    Lesser wax moth is a small moth of the snout moth family. Their caterpillars larvae are among the best-known "wax worms". The caterpillars of the Lesser Wax Moth can be very destructive to the honeycomb.

    Animals; Insects
  • Wax moth (greater)

    Wax moth (greater) or Galleria mellonella (greater wax moths) will not attack the bees directly, but feed on the wax used by the bees to build their honeycomb. Their full development to adults requires access to used brood comb or brood cell cleanings—these contain protein essential for the ...

    Animals; Insects
  • Voden

    Voden is a Slavic god of rivers, lakes and seas - a deity which rules the water. Fishermen and sailors worshipped him to protect them and give them good catch. He had the power to drown them and save them from drowning, which depended upon if he was pleased. His wife was Morana - the goddess of ...

    Religion; General religion
  • Kashmir bee virus (KBV)

    In the Kashmir bee virus (KBV) the main field symptom is weakening of the colony and deaths of adult honey bees. That is why this is another virus whic is connected to colony collapse disorder (CCD).

    Agriculture; General agriculture
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