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Created by: federica.masante

Number of Blossarys: 31

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I sin mest ekstreme version 'Sapir-Whorf-hypotesen' kan betegnes som vedrørende to tilknyttede principper: sproglige determinisme og sproglige relativisme. Anvendelse af disse to principper, er Whorfian tesen, at folk, der taler forskellige sprog opfatter og tænke om verden ganske anderledes deres verdenssyn bliver formet eller bestemmes af sproget, kultur (et begreb afvist af sociale determinister). Kritikere Bemærk, at vi ikke kan drage slutninger om forskellene i verdensanskuelse udelukkende på grundlag af forskelle i sproglige struktur.

Domain: Language; Category: General language

In its most extreme version 'the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis' can be described as relating two associated principles: linguistic determinism and linguistic relativism. Applying these two principles, the Whorfian thesis is that people who speak different languages perceive and think about the world quite differently, their worldviews being shaped or determined by the language of the culture (a notion rejected by social determinists). Critics note that we cannot make inferences about differences in worldview solely on the basis of differences in linguistic structure.

Domain: Language; Category: General language

Phonocentrism er en typisk bevidstløs fortolkende bias som privilegier tale over skrivning (og følgelig) den mundtlige lydlig over visuelle).

Domain: Language; Category: General language

Phonocentrism biased interpretation of the rights normally involuntary speech over writing (and consequently) oral-aural over visual).

Domain: Language; Category: General language

Morris opdelt Semiotik i tre grene: syntactics, semantik og pragmatik. Pragmatik refererer til studiet af de måder, hvor tegn brugt og fortolket. Fortolkningen af tegn af deres brugere kan også ses som niveauer svarende til disse tre grene - niveauet pragmatisk bliver fortolkningen af et tegn med hensyn til relevans, aftale etc.

Domain: Language; Category: General language

Morris divided semiotics into three branches: syntactics, semantics and pragmatics. Pragmatics refers to the study of the ways in which signs are used and interpreted. The interpretation of signs by their users can also be seen as levels corresponding to these three branches - the pragmatic level being the interpretation of a sign in terms of relevance, agreement etc.

Domain: Language; Category: General language

Priorist eller foundationalist teorier yde ontologisk prioritet til visse 'grundlæggende' enheder, der betragtes som «givens» eller første principper. Forskellige teoretikere Tildel kausal prioritet til Gud, materielle virkelighed, perception, "human nature", sprog, samfund, ideologi, teknologi og så på, at hæve problemet om, hvordan vi skal forklare disse enheder og deres oprindelse.

Domain: Language; Category: General language

Priorist or foundationalist theories grant ontological priority to certain 'foundational' entities which are regarded as 'givens' or first principles. Various theorists assign causal priority to God, material reality, perception, 'human nature', language, society, ideology, technology and so on, raising the problem of how we are to explain these entities and their origins.

Domain: Language; Category: General language

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