Desiree Davidse





My native language:

Dutch (NL)

Other Languages:

English (EN)

  • warehouse

    A warehouse is a large building where goods are stored, and where they may be catalogued, shipped, or received, depending upon the type. The Dutch term 'warenhuis' is something compeltely different, namely a department store, so a place where you can go shopping. A warehouse in Dutch is a ...

    Language; Terminology
  • undertaker

    An undertaker is a funeral director, or a mortician and not an entrepreneur (although he or she usually is), although the Dutch word ondernemer is indeed an entrepreneur, someone who undertakes things.

    Language; Terminology
  • registered accountant

    The Dutch word registeraccountant, although it sounds English should be translated into charted accountant or registered accountant in the English language.

    Language; Terminology
  • rare

    Rare in English means infrequently occurring, uncommon, a rare event, excellent, extraordinary. The almost similar Dutch word 'raar' has a slightly negative connotation and means weird, strange.

    Language; Terminology
  • out of hand

    If you eat something 'uit de hand', you eat it unprocessed, like an apple. If you want to use the image of someone taking a bite, simply say he/she is taking a bite. The English phrase out of hand means 'without even stopping to think'.

    Language; Terminology
  • ordinary

    The term ordinary means usual, of no exceptional ability, degree, or quality. Its synonym is the term common. The almost similar Dutch word 'ordinair' has a slightly more negative connotation and means vulgar, cheap, crude, crass, uncouth.

    Language; Terminology
  • monster

    A monster in the English language is not a sample, which it is in Dutch and confusingly also a monster, as in scary animal. Muddle this up and the result can be both amusing and confusing.

    Language; Terminology
  • avant-garde

    Avant-garde is a prominent feature of modernism. It was a small, self-conscious group of artists and authirs who deliberately undertook "to make it new", in Ezra Pound's phrase. The group set out to create ever-new artistic forms and styles and introduced until then, neglected and sometimes ...

    Literature; Literary terms
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