
Living in the light of God

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  • Glow-in-the-Dark Cockroach

    Also known as Lucihormetica luckae, the glow-in-the-darkcockroach is a species of giant cockroach, which can be found in the south American mountain, Tungurahua. Its back carapace features two large and one small spots inhabited by bacteria that glow when exposed to fluorescent light. The ...

    Animals; Insects
  • The Carolina Hammerhead

    Unlike its relative the common hammer-head shark, The Carolina Hammerhead, named Sphyrlna Gilberti has 10 less vertibrae. It was recently discovered off the coast of South Carolina. It was found by Ichthyologist Joe Quattro, a biology professor with the University of Carolina.

    Animals; Animals
  • The Cape Melville Shade Skink

    A new species of gecko leaf-tailed, and bolder dwelling frog isolated in an Australian mountain, Cape York Peninsula, are highly camouflaged. None of these had been seen before 2012, but have been around since millions of years.

    Animals; Animals
  • Giant Amazon Freshwater Arapaima

    Discovered in the Amazon River, the Arapaima freshwater fish can, according to mailonline.com, breath air, and has armour like scales to survive piranha bites.

    Animals; Animals
  • Net Neutrality

    Enforced by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Net Neutrality is a preventative measure for internet providers from dictating what users can and cannot access online. Net Neutrality creates an even playing field among content providers, both big and small.

    Government; Government & politics
  • 3-D Organ Hologram

    An Israeli firm has developed 3-D holographic imaging technology that allows doctors to see a patient's anatomy "floating" in mid-air during real-time medical procedures. The company says successful trials of its system demonstrate that science fiction has become science fact. Rob Muir reports.

    Medical; Medical research
  • Sinabung Mountain

    Sibintun village in Karo district, Indonesia's north Sumatra province, Nov. 18, 2013. Mount Sinabung continued to spew volcanic ash throwing a plume 8,000 meters into the atmosphere on Monday as thousands of residents remained in temporary shelters fearful of more eruptions, according to local ...

    Broadcasting & receiving; News
  • keto-acidosis

    The scientists went to a hospital ward with diabetic children, comatose and dying from diabetic keto-acidosis. This is known as one of medicine's most incredible moments. The scientists went from bed-to-bed and injected the children with the purified extract - insulin. As they injected the last ...

    Medical; Medicine
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