
Living in the light of God

New with Termwiki, pretty excited. I am Zimbabwean student, studying in China; working on a Masters ...



tula.ndex hasn't chosen any Industries yet.

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English, UK (UE)

Other Languages:

Zulu (ZU)

  • zwana

    Zwana is a Ndebele word for listen, taste, feel and smell. "Zwana la!" : "Listen here!"

    Language; Funniest translations
  • zithini

    A Ndebele greeting. Direct translation: "What are they saying?", meaning "Hello, how are things?" or "Hello, how is life going for you?"

    Language; Terminology
  • zithini

    A Ndebele greeting. Direct translation: "What are they saying?", meaning "Hello, how are things?" or "Hello, how is life going for you?"

    Language; Terminology
  • zite

    Zite, a news reader application that aggregates content for tablets like Apple Inc's iPad, which came out in 2011, has been bought by Time Warner Inc's CNN for around $20 million, according to reports at the time. Flipboard co-founder and Chief Executive Officer Mike McCue said Zite's ...

    Broadcasting & receiving; News
  • zircon crystal

    Scientists using two different age-determining techniques have shown that a tiny zircon crystal found on a sheep ranch in western Australia is the oldest known piece of our planet, dating to 4.4 billion years ago. Researchers say the discovery indicates that Earth's crust formed relatively soon ...

    Mining; Diamond mining
  • zikhuphani tsotsi

    A Ndebele greeting. Direct translation: "what's going on thief?", but it is actually an informal greeting directed towards a friend not seen after a long time, meaning "Hello friend, how are you?"

    Language; Terminology
  • zikhupha wa

    Ndebele term to respond to the greeting "Zikhuphani"(whats going on?). Direct translation: "they take out nothing", or "its empty." Actual meaning: "Nothing much is happening" The word "wa" is an onomatopoeia for emptiness.

    Language; Terminology
  • Yoruba

    Yoruba is a Niger-Congo language spoken in West Africa. It is a tonal language spoken by the Yoruba people in Nigeria Benin, and Togo and it dates to deep prehistory. As a continuum of several dialects, these dialects can be classified into three major areas: Northwest, Central, and Southeast. Its ...

    Language; Language learning
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