
Living in the light of God

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  • trend analysis

    Trend Analysis is the practice of collecting information and attempting to spot a pattern, or trend, in the information. In some fields of study, the term "trend analysis" has more formally defined meanings.

    Labor; Labor statistics
  • reductionism

    Reductionism is a philosophical position which holds that a complex system is nothing but the sum of its parts, and that an account of it can be reduced to accounts of individual constituents. This can be said of objects, phenomena, explanation, theories, and meanings.

    Philosophy; General philosophy
  • ecological fallacy

    It is a logical fallacy in the interpretation of statistical data where inferences about the nature of individuals are deduced from inference for the group to which those individuals belong. Ecological fallacy sometimes refers to the fallacy of division which is not a statistical issue. The four ...

    Statistics; Statistical standardization
  • sufficient cause

    A sufficient cause is a condition which, when it is present, inevitably produces (causes) a particular outcome. In contrast to necessary causes (those factors absent which an outcome cannot occur) a sufficient condition already guarantees the outcome to happen.

    Consulting; Market Research
  • spiral of silence

    The spiral of silence is a political science and mass communication theory propounded by the German political scientist Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann. Spiral of silence theory describes the process by which one opinion becomes dominant as those who perceive their opinion to be in the minority do not ...

    Politics; General politics
  • Normal Barbie

    "Barbie" with the average female body is coming to life. Lammily is the forthcoming plastic doll whose motto is, "Average is beautiful!" Her body shape is based on averages of data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control that is more often used to track the American obesity epidemic. She is not ...

    Toys; Classic toys
  • carmat

    The first patient fitted with an artificial heart made by the French company Carmat has died, the hospital that had performed the transplant in December said on Monday.

    Health care; Organ transplantation
  • space taxi

    The White House is requesting a $17.5 billion budget for the U.S. space agency in the fiscal year that begins Oct. 1. That marks a 1 percent decrease from NASA's 2014 budget. But NASA could also have access to an additional $900 million from Obama's proposed Opportunity, Growth and ...

    Aerospace; Space shuttle
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