
"I'm a struggling artist, frustrated writer, ...

Creative Virtual Assistant





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Filipino (TL)

Other Languages:

English, UK (UE)

  • super strength

    Having super strength means that an individual can perform feats of strength that no human, however well-trained and well-conditioned, can do. This can include up to pushing celestial bodies.

    Video games; Characters
  • heat vision

    The ability to heat things that you look at. Typically one would wonder how the heat gets to the object in question but then again superpowers don't need to make sense.

    Video games; Characters
  • flight

    The ability to fly. Not necessarily canceling out gravity; that would be floating. Taken to its logical extreme, flight can allow you to fly away from this reality and bombard other people while being invincible.

    Video games; Characters
  • Diagnostics

    The field of medicine dedicated to identifying diseases. With a very broad range, it is nigh impossible for a single diagnostician to identify all diseases. Doctor House is fictional but we all wish he were real.

    Medical; Medicine
  • Forensic Medicine

    The field of medicine that applies its knowledge to legal problems such as murder cases, questions of paternity, and rape. A well-known field of medicine with a large showing on television.

    Medical; Medicine
  • Medical Ethics

    The philosophy of whether it is right to commit abortions, whether it is right to clone someone – essentially the field of medicine that decides whether something is alive or not yet alive.

    Medical; Medicine
  • Addiction Medicine

    Field of medicine that attempts to get rid of addictions that may already have a physiological or deep-seated psychological root in the patient. Because sometimes people don't have the force of will or the ability to get rid of their addictions.

    Medical; Medicine
  • Radiology

    Field of medicine using special rays to penetrate the patient's skin and see underneath. Kind of cool to see what the body looks like underneath the skin without cutting it open.

    Medical; Medicine
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