Shin-Ru Pearce

The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want.

Skype ID: sharshar108
Freelance Translator


United States

My native language:

Chinese, Simplified (ZS)

Other Languages:

English (EN)

  • 淨率


    Travel; Air travel
  • 剩餘的


    Travel; Air travel
  • asset turnover ratio

    The mathematical result of sales revenues divided by average total assets during the period of the sales.

    Accounting; General accounting
  • adjunct account

    An adjunct account is a valuation account that increases the book value or carrying value of a liability account. For example, the account Unamortized Premium on Bonds Payable (or simply Bond Premium) is an adjunct account since its credit balance is added to the amount in Bonds Payable in ...

    Accounting; General accounting
  • liquidity ratio

    A liquidity ratio is an indicator of whether a company's current assets will be sufficient to meet the company's obligations when they become due. The liquidity ratios include the current ratio and the acid test or quick ratio. The current ratio and quick ratio are also referred to as solvency ...

    Accounting; General accounting
  • quick ratio

    Also known as the acid test ratio. This ratio compares the amount of cash + marketable securities + accounts receivable to the amount of current liabilities.

    Accounting; General accounting
  • 小茴香

    孜然孜然 為其整體或地面乾燥成熟的水果,通常被稱為種子,植物是一種流行的香料。 它是一種主要成份的辣椒粉和咖喱,並添加到肉調味汁、 米飯、 麵包、 醬菜、 湯和其他食品。

    Science; General science
  • 香櫞

    柑橘綱目 真正柑橘屬一種。 植物具有悠久而有趣的歷史,被柑橘、 來自遠東地區與西方猶太-基督教文明之間的第一次接觸。 香櫞,Etrog,是"哈達"趙佳美果",提供在古代猶太人的宗教節日住棚節。 當時第一個猶太人反抗羅馬的 . D. 66-70,叛軍鑄造自己的硬幣與 Etrog 代替尼祿的帝國的面貌。 ...

    Science; General science
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