


Financial services

My native language:

Indonesian (ID)

Other Languages:

Chinese, Simplified (ZS); English (EN); Javanese (JW)

  • Joko Widodo

    Joko Widodo is an Indonesian Politician and the current President of Indonesia. On the 22 July 2014, the official result of the presidential election was announced, and the result showed that Joko Widodo won over his rival Prabowo Subianto by 55.15%. He will be the 7th president of the third ...

    People; Politicians
  • Tomato

    Some people might not like eating this vegetables raw, because the taste somehow little bit sour. But tomato is one of the main ingredients in some dishes. Though some people might not realise, Tomato originally came from Mexico, and it is spread throughout the world following the Spanish ...

    Fruits & vegetables; Miscellaneous vegetables
  • Green tea

    You probably already heard about the benefit of drinking green tea and its myth. Well, greet tea originally came from China, it is then associated with the culture of drinking and enjoying tea in Asia. Based on the scientific studies, people who drink green tea have higher life expectancy than ...

    Beverages; Tea
  • Nuts

    Who doesnt know nuts? Nuts are one of the most balanced foods on the planet. They offer a good dose of "healthy" fats along with a smaller amount of protein and carbohydrate. Each type of nut offers a unique profile of minerals, phytochemicals, and types of fat. Walnuts are the highest in plant ...

    Snack foods; Nuts & seeds
  • Broccoli

    Broccoli definitely takes the gold medal for most nutritious vegetable. This cruciferous vegetable contains more vitamin C than an orange and has more calcium than a glass of milk. In addition to minerals and vitamins, broccoli is filled with disease-fighting chemicals called phytonutrients. ...

    Fruits & vegetables; Green vegetables
  • Broccoli

    Broccoli definitely takes the gold medal for most nutritious vegetable. This cruciferous vegetable contains more vitamin C than an orange and has more calcium than a glass of milk. In addition to minerals and vitamins, broccoli is filled with disease-fighting chemicals called phytonutrients. ...

    Fruits & vegetables; Green vegetables
  • Garlic

    Garlic is used around the world as a delicious flavouring agent for any dish. The health benefits of garlic have been well touted for centuries, and raw garlic has been used as a natural antibiotic to kill off some strains of harmful bacteria. Garlic is also useful for decreasing blood pressure and ...

    Fruits & vegetables; Miscellaneous vegetables
  • grape

    Grapes, especially dark-colored ones, are loaded with phytochemicals, antioxidants that may help protect against cancer and heart disease. Two of those phytochemicals, anthocyanin and proanthocyanidin, may be especially good for your immune system. Grapes also contain vitamin C and selenium.

    Fruits & vegetables; Fruits
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