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Joko Widodo

Joko Widodo is an Indonesian Politician and the current President of Indonesia. On the 22 July 2014, the official result of the presidential election was announced, and the result showed that Joko Widodo won over his rival Prabowo Subianto by 55.15%. He will be the 7th president of the third largest democratic country in the world.

Joko Widodo or also known as Jokowi was born in Surakarta, Central Java on 21 June 1961. His childhood was not easy, he had to work during his primary school to pay for the school fee and some pocket money. He worked hard until he managed to study in one of the best universities in Indonesia i.e. Gadjah Mada University.

After graduating from Gadjah Mada University, he worked for PT Kertas Kraft Aceh, and after a while, he decided to come back home and started his business in furniture in 1988, and it went bankrupt in 1990.

In 2005, he won the election as a mayor of Surakarta by 30.3%.At first, not many people believed that a businessman has the ability to lead, but after a year in the office, finally people realise his ability in making Surakarta a better city. "Solo: The Spirit of Java" is one of his work as a mayor. He also introduced blusukan culture - he is the only mayor who directly go to the small villages, visiting the needy, and trying really hard to improve their living condition. And in 2010, 90.9% voters chose him to once again rule Surakarta.

Until 2012, when Indonesian Democratic Party-Struggle (PDIP) asking him to become the candidate of the election of Governor of Jakarta, and there are lots of controversies throughout the election process. And again he won and became the Governor of Jakarta, until April 2014- whereby he was named as presidential candidate by PDIP. And again, there are lots of controversies, however, this so called the "man of the people" somehow could convince more than half of the total voters to choose him , and he managed to win the election.

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