Tate Britain
Industry: Art history
Number of terms: 11718
Number of blossaries: 0
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Művészet birtokol válik egyre inkább nemzetközivé vált, olcsó légi utazás interneten keresztül, és keresztül a nagy nemzetközi kortárs művészeti kiállításokon, mint a kétnyári, és a kereskedelmi művészeti vásárok, mint a bázeli és a frízfelirat elhelyezése. Művészek kezelik a kérdést övező ezt a jelenséget, és a globalizáció utal mind a egyesítő folyamat, amely akkor jelentkezik, ha a művészek ki vannak téve az azonos hatások és a művészet, a Válasz-hoz ez. A kezdetektől a globalizáció nyúlnak vissza, a korai huszadik századi avant-gardist fogalma a primitív, mikor művészek is befolyásolta a tárgyak hozta vissza az afrikai és a Távol-Keleten, és beépítették a festmények (lásd a primitivizmus) képekkel. A kifejezés a globalizáció használta először Amerikában, mint a kapitalizmus növekvő jellegét meghatározza, és az 1990-es években egy anti-globalizációs mozgalom szült, amit ember látta, mint a kulturális és gazdasági neo-imperializmus a globalizálódó létesítmény adott válaszként. (Lásd: Altermodern)
Industry:Art history
L'arte è diventata sempre più internazionale grazie ad Internet e ai viaggi low-cost, oltre che alle grandi mostre d'arte contemporanea quali le biennali e le fiere d'arte commerciali, tra cui Basilea e Frieze. Molti artisti si occupano delle conseguenze di questo fenomeno, pertanto il termine globalizzazione indica sia il processo di unificazione che si verifica quando gli artisti sono esposti a influenze identiche sia l'arte nata in risposta a tale fenomeno. Gli inizi della globabalizzazione risalgono alla nozione avanguardista di "primitivo" dei primi del Novecento, quando gli artisti erano influenzati dai manufatti provenienti dall'Africa e dall'Estremo Oriente e li inserivano nelle loro opere (vedi Primitivismo). Il termine globalizzazione è stato utilizzato per la prima volta in America in seguito alla crescita del capitalismo e, negli anni '90, è nato un movimento anti-globalizzazione in risposta a quello che la gente vedeva come un neoimperialismo culturale ed economico dell'establishment globalizzante. (vedi Altermodern)
Industry:Art history
Industry:Art history
Art has become increasingly internationalised through the Internet and cheap air travel, and through the great international contemporary art exhibitions, such as biennials, and the commercial art fairs, such as Basel and Frieze. Artists are addressing the issues that surround this phenomenon and globalisation refers to both the unifying process that occurs when artists are exposed to the same influences and the art made in response to this. The beginnings of globalisation date back to the early twentieth-century avant-gardist notion of 'the primitive', when artists were influenced by artefacts brought back from Africa and the Far East and incorporated the imagery in their paintings (see Primitivism). The term globalisation was first used in America as a way of defining the growing character of capitalism and in the 1990s an anti-globalisation movement was spawned in response to what people saw as the cultural and economic neo-imperialism of the globalising establishment. (See Altermodern)
Industry:Art history
Menas tapo vis labiau paremtoje tarptautinėje per internetą ir pigaus oro kelionių, ir puiki tarptautinė šiuolaikinio meno parodos, pvz., biennials, ir komercinio meno mugėse, pvz., Bazelio ir frizas. Menininkų sprendžiame klausimus, kurie supa šį reiškinį ir globalizacija reiškia tiek vienijantis procesą, kuris atsiranda, kai menininkai yra veikiami pačios įtakos ir priimami atsižvelgiant į šią meno. Pradžia globalizacijos datuojamas pradžioje XX amžiaus avant-gardist sąvoka "primityvių", kai menininkai buvo įtakoti artefaktų parsivežė iš Afrikos ir Tolimųjų Rytų, įtrauktas savo piešinius (žr. Primitivism) vaizdais. Globalizacijos buvo pirmą kartą panaudota Amerikoje, kaip apibrėžti auginimo pobūdį, kapitalizmas ir anti-globalisation judėjimas pagimdė reaguojant į ką žmonės 1990 m. pamatė, kaip kultūrinių ir ekonominių neo-Imperializmas globalizuotame įmonės. (Žr. Altermodern)
Industry:Art history
Māksla ir kļuvis arvien vairāk starptautiska caur internetu un lētu gaisa ceļojumu, kā arī ar lielo starptautisko laikmetīgās mākslas izstādes, piemēram, biennials, un komerciālo mākslas izstādēs, piemēram, Bāzeles un Frīze. Mākslinieki ir risināt jautājumus, kas ieskauj šo parādību un globalizācija attiecas uz abu vienojošā process, kas notiek tad, kad mākslinieki ir pakļauti pats ietekmēm un māksla, kas sagatavoti, atbildot uz šo. Globalizācijas dienas sākumā divdesmitā gadsimta avant-gardist jēdzienu "primitīvo" pirmsākumiem, kad mākslinieki ietekmēja artefakti atsauca no Āfrikas un Tālo Austrumu un iekļāva tēlainība viņu gleznas (skatīt primitīvisms). Globalizācijas jēdziens pirmo reizi tika izmantota Amerikā kā augošs raksturs kapitālisma definēšanas veids un deviņdesmitajos gados anti-globalizācijas kustība bija radījuši, reaģējot uz cilvēku redzēja, kā kultūras un ekonomikas neo-imperiālisma globalizētajā uzņēmējdarbību. (Skat. Altermodern)
Industry:Art history
Art has become increasingly internationalised through the Internet and cheap air travel, and through the great international contemporary art exhibitions, such as biennials, and the commercial art fairs, such as Basel and Frieze. Artists are addressing the issues that surround this phenomenon and globalisation refers to both the unifying process that occurs when artists are exposed to the same influences and the art made in response to this. The beginnings of globalisation date back to the early twentieth-century avant-gardist notion of 'the primitive', when artists were influenced by artefacts brought back from Africa and the Far East and incorporated the imagery in their paintings (see Primitivism). The term globalisation was first used in America as a way of defining the growing character of capitalism and in the 1990s an anti-globalisation movement was spawned in response to what people saw as the cultural and economic neo-imperialism of the globalising establishment. (See Altermodern)
Industry:Art history
Kunst is steeds internationaler via het Internet en goedkoop luchtvervoer, en de grote internationale hedendaagse kunsttentoonstellingen, zoals biënnales, en de commerciële kunstbeurzen, zoals Basel en Fries geworden. Kunstenaars zijn kwesties die dit verschijnsel omringen en globalisering verwijst naar zowel de verenigende proces dat zich voordoet wanneer kunstenaars worden blootgesteld aan de dezelfde invloeden en de kunst gemaakt in antwoord op deze. Het begin van de globalisering dateren uit de vroege twintigste-eeuwse avant-gardist notie van 'de primitieve,' wanneer kunstenaars werden beïnvloed door artefacten meegebracht uit Afrika en het Verre Oosten en de beelden in hun schilderijen (Zie primitivisme) opgenomen. De term globalisering werd het eerst gebruikt in Amerika als een manier van het definiëren van de groeiende karakter van het kapitalisme en in de jaren negentig die een anti-globalisation beweging werd voortgebracht in antwoord op wat de mensen zagen als de culturele en economische neo-imperialisme van de globaliserende inrichting. (See Altermodern)
Industry:Art history
Arte tornou-se cada vez mais internacionalizada através a Internet e as viagens aéreas baratas e as exposições de grande arte contemporânea internacional, tais como bienais e as feiras de arte comercial, tais como Basiléia e friso. Artistas estão a abordar as questões que cercam este fenômeno e globalização refere-se tanto ao processo unificador que ocorre quando artistas estão expostas para as mesmas influências e a arte feita em resposta a isto. Os primórdios da globalização remetem a noção de século XX avant-gardist início do 'primitivo', quando artistas foram influenciadas por artefactos trouxe de volta da África e o Extremo Oriente e incorporou as imagens em suas pinturas (ver primitivismo). o termo globalização foi utilizada pela primeira vez na América como uma maneira de definir o caráter crescente do capitalismo e na década de 1990 que um movimento anti-globalisation foi gerado em resposta para o que as pessoas viu como cultural e económico neo-imperialismo do estabelecimento globalizante. (Ver Bourriaud)
Industry:Art history
Art has become increasingly internationalised through the Internet and cheap air travel, and through the great international contemporary art exhibitions, such as biennials, and the commercial art fairs, such as Basel and Frieze. Artists are addressing the issues that surround this phenomenon and globalisation refers to both the unifying process that occurs when artists are exposed to the same influences and the art made in response to this. The beginnings of globalisation date back to the early twentieth-century avant-gardist notion of 'the primitive', when artists were influenced by artefacts brought back from Africa and the Far East and incorporated the imagery in their paintings (see Primitivism). The term globalisation was first used in America as a way of defining the growing character of capitalism and in the 1990s an anti-globalisation movement was spawned in response to what people saw as the cultural and economic neo-imperialism of the globalising establishment. (See Altermodern)
Industry:Art history
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