Created by: paul01234
Number of Blossarys: 51
Could be games, exercises or anything that could help an actor perform better. This is done in the beginning of the production so be sure that all actors will be ready to rehearse and act.
This is a term used by the director to tell his actor that he is covering someone either physically or acting wise. When actor 1 is upstaging actor 2, this may mean that actor 2 is not seen by the ...
This is maybe the longest and most stressful rehearsal. This is when all things come together. Lights, sounds, costume, etc. This is equivalent to a real show already.
He makes sure all actors are ready before and during rehearsals. He closely works with the director as well to ensure stress free rehearsals and shows.
This is a type of face make-up that helps an actor to have a character. This is applied in thickly to ensure that the light will have a good effect on it.
The term used for practice. Instead of saying we have "practice" today, people who are in the theater say we have "rehearsals" today.
This happens in the early part of the production schedule when actors read the script. People in different roles usually gather in small circle where they read scripts. The purpose of reading is ...