Home > Blossary: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
It's a personality test based on the theory developed by Katharine Cook Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers from the typological theories proposed by Carl Gustav Jung, and first published in his 1921 book Psychological Types (English edition, 1923).

Category: Education

8 Terms

Created by: dnatalia

Number of Blossarys: 60

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People who prefer the Myers Briggs Extraversion Preference are energized by active involvement in events, and they like to be immersed in a breadth of activities. They are most excited when they are around people, and they often have an energized effect on those around them. Extraverts like to move into action and to make things happen– extraverts usually feel very at home in the world. With their orientation to the outer world, extraverts often find their understanding of a problem becomes clearer if they can talk out loud about it and hear what others have to say. Extraverts tend to talk ideas out while Introverts tend to think ideas out.

Domain: Psychology; Category: General psychology

Mense wat die Myers Briggs ekstroversie verkies. Voorkeure word geaktiveer deur aktiewe betrokkenheid by geleenthede, en hulle hou daarvan om ingesluit te word by aktiwiteite Hulle is baie opgewonde wanneer hulle tussen ander mense is, en hulle het gewoonlik ook 'n energieke invloed op die mense rondom hulle. Ekstroverte hou van aksie en om dinge te laat gebeur - ekstroverte voel gewoonlik baie tuis in die wêreld. Met hulle oriëntasie tot die buitewêreld vind ekstroverte dikwels beter oplossings vir probleme as hulle kan praat daaroor en hoor wat ander sê. Ekstroverte neig om hulle idees 'uit te praat' terwyl introverte geneig is om hulle idees 'uit te dink'.

Domain: Psychology; Category: General psychology

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