Home > Blossary: Andorra la Vella
Andorra la Vella is the principality of Andorra that is located in east parts of Pyrenees and is the tourist attraction destination with historical architecture.

Category: Travel

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Created by: Amoke

Number of Blossarys: 10

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This bridge is located only on the route that heads to La Massano, it passes over the Valira Nord River and the bridge is jointed to the Royal Road that links the parish with Andorra la Vella. The original Mediaeral structure was restored in the mid 20th century. Near to the bridge is the chapel of Sant Antoni de la Grella that is originally of Romanesque design but it has undergoes restoration during the 1940 due to the tunneling work on the main road.

Domain: Travel; Category: Travel sites

Questo ponte si trova solo sulla rotta che dirige verso La Massano, passa sopra il fiume Valira Nord e il ponte è snodato per la strada reale che collega la parrocchia con Andorra la Vella. La struttura originale del Mediaeral è stata restaurata a metà del XX secolo. Vicino al ponte è la cappella di Sant Antoni de la Grella che è originariamente di design romanica ma esso ha sottoposto a restauro durante il 1940 grazie al lavoro di tunneling sulla strada principale.

Domain: Travel; Category: Travel sites

Andorra la vella is the capital of the principality of Andorra and is located in the eastern parts of Pyrenees and is has more than 10 sites for tourist attraction as historical architecture.

Domain: Architecture; Category: General architecture

Andorra la vella è la capitale del Principato di Andorra e si trova nella parte orientale dei Pirenei ed è ha più di 10 siti di attrazione turistica come architettura storica.

Domain: Architecture; Category: General architecture

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