

martino.prada hasn't chosen any Industries yet.

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Spanish (ES)

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  • viñeta

    Un panel es un marco individual, o solo dibujo, en la secuencia del panel múltiple de una historieta o cómic. Un panel se compone de un simple dibujo que representa un momento congelado.

    Literature; Comics
  • tira cómica

    Una tira cómica es una secuencia de dibujos dispuestos en paneles interrelacionados para mostrar humor breve o formar una narrativa, a menudo serializada, con texto en globos y leyendas.

    Literature; Comics
  • tax exemption

    A tax exemption is an exemption from all or certain taxes of a state or nation in which part of the taxes that would normally be collected from an individual or an organization are instead foregone.

  • dental surgery

    Dental surgery is any of a number of medical procedures which involve artificially modifying the dentition.

    Dental services; Dentistry
  • comic strip

    A comic strip is a sequence of drawings arranged in interrelated panels to display brief humor or form a narrative, often serialized, with text in balloons and captions.

    Literature; Comics
  • speech balloon

    Speech balloons (also speech bubbles, dialogue balloons, or word balloons) are a graphic convention used most commonly in comic books, strips, and cartoons to allow words (and much less often, pictures) to be understood as representing the speech or thoughts of a given character in the comic.

    Literature; Comics
  • intercambio de seguros médicos

    Un intercambio seguro de salud es un mercado organizado para la compra de seguro de salud estableció como una entidad gubernamental o cuasi-gubernamental para ayudar a las aseguradoras se conforma con las protecciones del consumidor, competir de manera costo-eficiente y para facilitar la ampliación ...

    Health care; Hospitals
  • dentadura postiza

    un aparato dental que reemplaza artificialmente los dientes perdidos

    Dental services; Dentistry
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