
"The problems that exist in the world today ...

Kimberly Schimmel has a Master of Library Science degree from North Carolina Central University and ...

Winston Salem - NC

United States


Design; Fashion; Hobbies; Weddings

My native language:

English (EN)

Other Languages:

German (DE)

  • p

    P is the abbreviation for purl, which means to create a stitch by inserting the right needle from right to left in the stitch on left needle while holding yarn in front of work. A loop is pulled through the stitch on the left needle and the old stitch is slipped off the needle.

    Hobbies; Knitting
  • k

    K is the pattern abbreviation for knit. For example, k2 means to knit two stitches. This abbreviation is often used in combination with others such as: k2,yo,k2tog (knit 2 stitches, yarn over, knit 2 stitches together.)

    Hobbies; Knitting
  • acrylic

    Acrylic is a synthetic fiber made of polyacrylonitrile. Acrylic yarn is widely available in craft stores and can be spun and plied to imitate many natural fibers.

    Hobbies; Knitting
  • adjective

    An adjective is a word that describes or modifies a noun. Common adjectives indicate color, size, or other characteristics such as character traits. Examples of adjectives include: red, blue, tall, petite, dishonest, humble, awkward.

    Language; Grammar
  • adverb

    An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, adjective, another adverb or an entire phrase. In the phrase "John opened the door very slowly," very is an adverb modifying the adverb slowly, which in turn modifies the verb opened. Adjectives are often turned into adverbs by the addition of the suffix ...

    Language; Grammar
  • alpaca

    The alpaca is a member of the same family as llamas and camels. Alpaca fiber is used to make luxury yarns as it is extra soft and warm, yet lightweight.

    Hobbies; Knitting
  • anagram

    An anagram is a word or phrase whose letters can be rearranged to form another word or phrase. For example, in The Harry Potter book series the name "Tom Marvalo Riddle" is an anagram whose letters can be rearranged to form the phrase "I am Voldemort."

    Language; General language
  • angora

    Angora fibers come from the angora rabbit, a long-haired breed of rabbit. The fibers are short and produce a fuzzy "halo" when knit.

    Hobbies; Knitting
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