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  • host

    A host is type of sacramental bread generally used by Latin rite Churches. Hosts are used during the celebration of the mass, when they become, according to Christian teaching, the body of Jesus Christ. They are then distributed among the faithful or kept for later use. Hosts are made of wheat ...

    Religion; Christianity
  • prayer rope

    Prayer ropes are tools used mostly by Eastern Christians to pray the Jesus prayer ("Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me"). They are generally made of wool and have 33, 50, 100 or more knots, with an occasional larger bead to separate smaller groupings. While prayer knots are mostly used ...

    Religion; Christianity
  • antimins

    Antimins is a liturgical cloth placed on the altar in Eastern churches. It is usually embroidered with prayers and depictions of Christ's passion. During the Divine Liturgy, diskos and chalice are placed upon the antimins, and the antimins itself can serve as an altar on its own if the Liturgy is ...

    Religion; Christianity
  • Jesus prayer

    Jesus prayer (also known as "the prayer of the heart") is a short prayer that is supposed to be repeated many times over the course of the day, especially when the faithful are busy and have no time for more formal prayers. The usual form of Jesus prayer is: "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have ...

    Religion; Christianity
  • exorcism

    In Christianity, an exorcism is an act of expelling demons from a possessed person. It typically involves prayers for deliverance, and the exorcist may employ holy objects and sacramentals such as the cross, holy water, incense and so on. In Roman Catholic Church, a priest needs an express ...

    Religion; Christianity
  • rosary

    A rosary is a type of Roman Catholic sacramental. It is used to pray Hail Mary and Our Father prayers (with one Our Father following every ten Hail Marys). A typical rosary consists of 5 decades and some additional beads together with a crucifix. Usually, when praying a decade, a mystery from the ...

    Religion; Christianity
  • divine liturgy

    Divine Liturgy is the standard form of eucharistic service as celebrated in the Eastern Orthodox Church and Eastern Catholics. The rite consists of three main parts: proskomede (not attended by the faithful, when the priests prepares bread and wine for the service), liturgy of the faithful (where ...

    Religion; Christianity
  • prosphora

    Prosphora is a loaf of bread used for eucharistic rites of the Eastern Orthodox Church. It is a leavened bread made out of wheat with a special stamp on its side used during the preparatory part of the Divine Liturgy (proskomede). Central part of the prosphora (the Lamb) is used for communion; the ...

    Religion; Christianity
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