
Living in the light of God

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  • Dorothy Hodgkin

    Dorothy Hodgkin 1910-1994 Awarded the Nobel prize for chemistry Dorothy Hodgkin work on critical discoveries of the structure of both penicillin and later insulin. These discoveries led to significant improvements in health care. An outstanding chemist Dorothy also devoted a large section of her ...

    People; Scientists
  • Annie Maunder

    Annie Scott Dill Maunder, (1868 – 1947) was an Irish astronomer and mathematician. In 1891 she began work at the Greenwich Royal Observatory, serving as one of the "lady computers" assigned to the solar department. There she assisted E. Walter Maunder, and she spent much time photographing the Sun ...

    People; Scientists
  • Alice Catherine Evans

    Alice Catherine Evans was a microbiologist who championed the pasteurization of milk, after discovering that microbes in unpasteurized milk could sicken humans. She was working at the U.S Department of Agriculture at the time, but her work was only taken seriously when it was confirmed by other ...

    People; Scientists
  • Henriettea Leavitt

    Henrietta Leavitt, the woman who first saw beyond the limits of the Milky Way. Forbidden telescope time, she discovered the period-luminosity relation that allowed astronomers to measure the distance to extra-galactic stars. She gave us the first step on a ladder that we still use to measure cosmic ...

    People; Scientists
  • Emmy Noether

    Emmy Noether (1882-1935) She devised a mathematical principle, called Noether's theorem, which became a foundation stone of quantum physics. Her calculations helped Einstein formulate his general theory of relativity. "It is really through her that I have become competent in the subject," he ...

    People; Scientists
  • Mary Anning

    At the age of 12, Mary Anning was to become one of the most famous popular palaeontologists, with her discovery of a complete Icthyosaur. She was a fossil hunter whose finds made an important contribution to the understanding of the Earths history during her lifetime. She also found the first two ...

    People; Scientists
  • Caroline Herschel

    Caroline Herschel 1750-1848 Caroline Herschel was an astronomer and the sister of astronomer Sir William Herschel with whom she worked. Her most significant contribution was the discovery of several comets, including the periodic comet 35P/Herschel-Rigollet, which bears her name. At age ten, she ...

    People; Scientists
  • Mary Somerville

    Mary Somerville (1780-1872) was an innovative and talented science communicator, with an extraordinary (and mostly self-taught) grasp of mathematics in an era when most women had no access to formal education. As a direct result of her work, calculus was introduced to the English-speaking ...

    People; Scientists
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