
Aquarius...moving forward





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  • The Copycat

    Having similar tastes often makes a friendship go 'round, but there's always that one friend that takes it a step further and straight-up copies the exact items you buy. If you spend a lot of time together, this can get highly irritating and awkward—two twentysomethings in matching outfits is not ...

    Psychology; Social psychology
  • The Underminer

    This is the so-called friend who goes out of her way to undermine everything you say and do. Whether it's something as seemingly innocent as a verbal jab every time something good happens to you, or as overt as subtly sabotaging awesome opportunities that come up (i.e., planning her birthday dinner ...

    Psychology; Social psychology
  • must friend

    Must friend refers to a best friend, a member of your inner circle, a person you count on when something big happens in your life.

    Psychology; Social psychology
  • trust friend

    Trust friend refers to a friend who shows integrity, someone you feel comfortable with, that you're always glad to see, but not in your inmost circle; perhaps someone you'd like to be closer to, if you had the time or opportunity.

    Psychology; Social psychology
  • rust friend

    Rusr friend refers to a person you've known for a long, long time; you're probably not going to get any closer to that person, unless something changes, but a part of your life.

    Psychology; Social psychology
  • just friends

    Just friends refers to a person you see — at a weekly poker game, at your child's school — who is enjoyable company, but you have no desire to socialize outside a specific context or to get to know that person better.

    Psychology; Social psychology
  • Kisnot Mukwazhi

    Kisinoti Munodei Mukwazhe (also spelled Kisnot Mukwazhi) is president of the Zimbabwe Development Party and is a presidential candidate for the Zimbabwean general election, 2013.

    People; Politicians
  • Dumiso Dabengwa

    Dumiso Dabengwa ,born December 6, 1939 is a Zimbabwean politician. He served as the head of Zimbabwe People's Revolutionary Army (ZIPRA) intelligence during the Rhodesian Bush War.[2] In 1982 Dabengwa was charged, with Lookout Masuku and four others, of treason by the Mugabe ...

    People; Politicians
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