
"I'm a struggling artist, frustrated writer, ...

Creative Virtual Assistant





My native language:

Filipino (TL)

Other Languages:

English, UK (UE)

  • Data Type

    Refers to the basic kind of data stored in a column. Examples of data types that could be stored in the database are char, varchar, Boolean, integer, date, time, and blob.

    Software; Database applications
  • Concurrency

    This refers to the property of a transaction in which two or more computing processes are being executed simultaneously. Database concurrency ensures that transactions happen in an ordered manner.

    Software; Database applications
  • Candidate Key

    It is a combination of attributes that can be used to uniquely identify a database entry. Each table in a database may have one or more candidate keys. In case of multiple candidate keys, one of them will be selected to become a primary key.

    Software; Database applications
  • Attribute

    It is a single data item related to or describing a database object or entity. A database entity may have one or more attributes in accordance to the database schema.

    Software; Database applications
  • assertion

    Any condition that the database must always satisfy. Examples of special forms of assertions are domain constraints and referential integrity constraints.

    Software; Database applications
  • Wards

    This is a purchasable item which allows the team to see the surrounding area where it has been placed for 7 minutes. They can be placed anywhere on the map.

    Online services; Online games
  • Top

    Refers to the top lane of the map. The top lane is usually the offlane or suicide lane for the Radient. This lane is frequently soloed in pro games.

    Online services; Online games
  • Stacked

    This refers to a stack of many powerful items that a Hero has. A hero that is stacked makes him difficult to take down. To stack successfully, the Hero must have a large amount of gold and experience.

    Online services; Online games
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