
"I'm a struggling artist, frustrated writer, ...

Creative Virtual Assistant





My native language:

Filipino (TL)

Other Languages:

English, UK (UE)

  • Skim

    This term means to browse or look through a text in a fast phase. Skimming is a strategy used to be familiar with a manuscript or to simply review what has been read.

    Language; Language learning
  • Verbal Communication

    The use of words in exchanging ideas with another person. It may be written or spoken. This is the ideal way of communication between two people.

    Language; Language learning
  • Non-Verbal Communication

    A way of communication that does not involve any words. It only uses facial expression, gestures and other non-verbal actions. This is sometimes done with words or just the plain gestures.

    Language; Language learning
  • Context Clues

    These are small words that try to define a big word in the same sentence without sounding like a dictionary.

    Language; Language learning
  • Communicative Approach

    This technique uses a lot of talking between the teacher and learner. The goal is to express ones' feelings and use vocabularies.

    Language; Language learning
  • Dialogue

    Dialogues consist of conversations with pictures. This is a good material for reading because the images help the student understand the discussion.

    Language; Language learning
  • Text

    A material used in language learning. This is usually in paragraph form. It may be a story, a news report or an essay about a certain topic.

    Language; Language learning
  • Repetition

    Although this has been an old and abused approach, it is proven to show good results. This evaluates students' listening skills, fluency and pronunciation.

    Language; Language learning
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