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  • Alibaba

    Alibaba looms large in everyone’s mind, but despite its massive IPO and increasing global reach, it may not come near dominating its U.S. rivals. For one thing, the company will continue to be under great pressure to further curtail counterfeit sales. But Alibaba is no longer just huge, it’s also ...

    Online services; Ecommerce
  • The demise of Black Friday

    Let’s face it, Black Friday is a shadow of its former self. Not only did Thanksgiving and Cyber Monday intrude, but retailers had been announcing special deals for days and weeks before. Amazon began its “Black Friday” deals a week ahead of the holiday. And while Wal-Mart Stores stretched out its ...

    Retail; Retail stores
  • Minimum wage

    Raising hourly pay has been a topic of discussion in Washington, in many state capitals, and in several cities. Five states, San Francisco, and Chicago have all succeeded in passing measures to do so. It's not just wages, though. Retail employees’ working conditions have also become an issue — ...

    Retail; Retail stores
  • Shipping, Delivery, and Pickup

    A little bit buried in the success of e-commerce and m-commerce over the big Thanksgiving holiday weekend is the fact that a lot of the retailers enjoying that success are traditional brick-and-mortar types. Target, Best Buy, and a slew of other retailers have drastically lowered or eliminated ...

    Online services; Ecommerce
  • pop-ups

    These days, retailers of all types and sizes are experimenting with the pop-up concept. Nordstrom, seemingly ready to shed its staid upscale reputation, has jumped on the store-within-a-store approach. And e-commerce retailers are using pop-ups to expand their reach and give consumers a first-hand ...

    Advertising; Online advertising
  • Mobile shopping

    Mobile shopping really hit its stride at the end of the year to many retailers’ surprise. For the first half of the year though, mobile web and apps were notoriously hard to use and discouraged customers. Marketing personalization company Monetate found that m-commerce “skyrocketed” on Thanksgiving ...

    Economy; Ecommerce
  • Mobile payments (Apple Pay)

    Mobile payments have officially launched, and retailers have mostly Apple Pay to thank. But some retailers—​notably those involved in the group developing CurrentC, which has yet to be launched but has already suffered a hack—have at least toyed with not accepting Apple Pay. But that would ...

    Retail; Retail stores
  • blog walking

    Blogwalking is a technique to increase blog traffic by visiting other blogs and leave your marks there. The other blogger is then expected to reciprocate by visiting your blog. Blogwalking, a popular term among the Malaysian, Indonesian, and Philippines bloggers but a rather obscure term in other ...

    Internet; Social media
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