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  • Gestures

    If you're not sure what to do with your hands, go ahead and gesture while speaking. When you’re really nervous, you tend to want to hide your hands because they express your anxiety. Keeping your hands hidden can be misinterpreted as distrustful behavior.

    Communication; Body language
  • Walk

    "Work on your walk" Interviewers often make a hiring judgment within the first 10 seconds of meeting you. How you walk into the room is a part of that judgment. Shoulders pulled back and neck elongated, each stride roughly one to two feet wide is a sign of a confident personality. Walk ...

    Communication; Body language
  • Breathe

    "Breathe deeply and speak on exhale" One way to soothe interview nerves is to breathe properly. Focusing on the breath is a vital part of the interview process. It is recommended to inhale when the interviewer asks you a question, then speaking on the exhale, following the air flow. Deep ...

    Anatomy; Cardiovascular
  • Nod

    Aside from keeping eye and face contact, nodding your head while listening is an additional way to show attentiveness. Nod your head occasionally to let them know you are enjoying and understand what is being said.

    Communication; Body language
  • Lean in

    Leaning in is a natural thing to do when you're engaged in a conversation.leaning slightly forward (keeping your shoulders back and down, and your chest high) demonstrates interest.

    Communication; Body language
  • New Zealand dollar

    The New Zealand dollar is the safest store of value among the bunch. The Reserve Bank of New Zealand is the only developed nation central bank that plans on raising interest rates in the near future and the country has reformed its tax code to lower rates and increase transparency. New Zealand also ...

    Financial services; World currencies
  • Singapore dollar

    With increased disclosure in Switzerland, Singapore has become the new global center of hidden money and a favored tax haven. As income inequality increases along with the increased rates and enforcement of taxation, foreign capital inflows will continue to increase in Singapore that puts upward ...

    Financial services; World currencies
  • Hong Kong dollar

    The Hong Kong dollar is like the call option of currencies. It is pegged to a narrow band to the U.S. dollar, so downside risk is limited. However, if trade pressures and a weak dollar break the peg, that the Hong Kong dollar has appreciation potential of greater than 20% to match the recent gains ...

    Financial services; World currencies
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