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  • bend radius

    The radius of a bend in a piece of material that occurs between the bend lines. The radius is measured from the bend axis to the inside surface of the material and is therefore sometimes specified as the inside bend radius. The bend radius is typically equal to at least the sheet thickness.

    Manufacturing; Industrial manufacturing
  • web width

    The space between adjacent blanks or parts that are to be cut from a piece of sheet stock. When all parts are cut, this web of material remains attached to the sheet border and is scrap material. The web width is used in determining how many parts a single piece of sheet stock will yield.

    Manufacturing; Industrial manufacturing
  • V bending

    A sheet metal bending method in which a V-shaped punch presses a piece of sheet metal into the die opening of a V-die. The die opening is a V-shaped groove in the die plate. The width of this opening divided by the sheet thickness is called the die ratio and typically ranges from 6 to 18.

    Manufacturing; Industrial manufacturing
  • acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS)

    Introduced in the late 1940s ABS has a wide range of good properties. It's very stiff, tough, thermal and chemically resistant, it is easy to process and has an excellent surface appearance. ABS is used in many impact-resistant applications from motorcycle fairings to lawn mower housings.

    Manufacturing; Industrial manufacturing
  • cut diameter

    The diameter of the workpiece at the location of a cut in a turning operation. The cutting speed and spindle speed can both be calculated for this diameter. Depending on the form of speed control, only one of these values will remain constant as the cut proceeds and the diameter changes.

    Manufacturing; Industrial manufacturing
  • complexity

    The complexity of a part is determined by several parameters, so 5 preset configurations are available. In a custom configuration, the user may specify the feature count and the mold requirements, which may include side-cores, lifters, unscrewing devices, and parting surface complexity.

    Manufacturing; Industrial manufacturing
  • production quantity

    The production quantity or run quantity refers to the total number of parts that are manufactured, which may include any incomplete or defective parts. The defect rate for a given manufacturing process will determine the required production quantity to yield the desired order quantity.

    Manufacturing; Industrial manufacturing
  • shearing force

    The amount of force required to cut or remove a piece of material through shear, as is done in cutting, blanking or punching operations. The applied force must create enough shear stress in the material to exceed the ultimate shear strength, causing the material to fail and separate.

    Manufacturing; Industrial manufacturing
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