Los Angeles - CA

United States


Kevin.Li hasn't chosen any Industries yet.

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English (EN)

Other Languages:

Chinese, Simplified (ZS)

  • liquid containers

    Containers, typically cylindrical, that are used for storing liquids. These include basins, beakers, bottles, bowls, buckets, cans, containers, cups, flasks, jars, jugs, mugs, pails, pitchers, pots, tanks, tubs, vials, vessels, etc.

    Manufacturing; Industrial manufacturing
  • acrylic

    Acrylic resins are widely known for their superior impact resistance and clarity. Acrylates and methacrylates comprise the two main groups of acrylics, which enjoy widespread use in aerospace, automotive and optical applications.

    Manufacturing; Industrial manufacturing
  • projected corner

    Any corner that occurs on the projected area of a part. The corner does not need to be 90 degrees, but can be any angle or sharp curve. The number of these corners determine the complexity of the die needed to trim to the part.

    Manufacturing; Industrial manufacturing
  • injection pressure

    The pressure at which molten material is injected into a mold. Each material has a recommended injection pressure. However, the injection pressure may be adjusted based upon the machine being used and the geometry of the part.

    Manufacturing; Industrial manufacturing
  • centigrade

    Also known as the Celsius scale, a temperature scale which sets the freezing point of water at 0° and the boiling point at 100°. To convert centigrade to Fahrenheit multiply by 1.8 and add 32, e.g., (100° x 1.8) + 32 = 212°F.

    Manufacturing; Industrial manufacturing
  • post processing

    Post processing refers to any operations that are performed after the primary process has been completed and before any secondary processes are performed. This may include inspecting, trimming, cleaning, or moving the parts.

    Manufacturing; Industrial manufacturing
  • draw reduction

    The percent reduction of the diameter of a sheet metal blank to the draw diameter (or punch diameter) through a deep drawing operation. The complete deep drawing of a part is often achieved by a series of draw reductions.

    Manufacturing; Industrial manufacturing
  • bend angle

    The angle to which a piece of material has been bent. The bend angle can be measured between the bent material and its original position, or as the included angle between perpendicular lines drawn from the bend lines.

    Manufacturing; Industrial manufacturing
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