"Dream big. Dream looming. Dream a force that is ...
Squib is the term applied to a child who is born of magical parents, but who develops no magical abilities. They are considered to be the opposite of Muggle-born wizards/witches.
Muggle-born is the term applied to wizards and witches who come from non-magical families. According to Rowling, the average Hogwarts annual intake for Muggle-borns is 25%
In the Harry Potter book series, a muggle is a person who lacks any sort of magical ability and was not born into the magical world. Muggles also do not have any magical blood.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is the first novel in the Harry Potter series, written by J. K. Rowling. The plot follows Harry Potter, a young wizard who discovers his magical heritage, as he makes close friends and a few enemies in his first year at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft ...
Legendarium jest zbiorem wszystkich dzieł J.R.R. Tolkiena dotyczącym stworzonego przez niego świata Ardy.
The legendarium is the entirety of J.R.R. Tolkien's works concerning his imagined world of Arda.
Próby stworzenia kinowej adaptacji historii z Tolkienowskiego legendarium w celu stworzenia jak największej oglądalności, niekoniecznie zaś dotrzymania wierności idei oryginału.
Inklingowie – nieformalna grupa oksfordzkich intelektualistów spotykających się w pubach w latach 30. i 40. XX wieku. Inklingowie byli entuzjastami literatury którzy doceniali wartość dobrej opowieści i chętnie siegali po tematy z zakresu literatury fantasy.