
"Но моя усталость - отчаяние загнанной мыши, ...


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Russian (RU); Ukrainian (UK)

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Chinese, Simplified (ZS); English (EN)

  • Cosa Nostra

    According to the history the real name of mafia is Cosa Nostra. Cosa Nostra was first used, in the beginning of the 1960s, in the United States by Joseph Valachi.

    Language; Terminology
  • stand still burnout

    Burnout means keeping motorcycle stationary and spinning rear wheel. Most of the standriders it is too easy to call it a trick. But there are a big variety of burnout: track stand, special k wheelie, chainsaw.

    Sports; Moto racing
  • headstand

    Headstand is a trick on a motorbike. Rider should be standing on the bike lean on his head. He could be leaning without hands looking forward or backward.

    Sports; Moto racing
  • christ

    Christ is motorcycle trick. To perform a christ rider have to stand on the motorbike full height while it is moving. Rider could be standing on a seat, tank, or rear seat.

    Sports; Moto racing
  • stoppie

    Stoppie is one of the motorcycle tricks in which bike's rear wheel is lifted and bike is ridden on the front wheel by careful balance of speed and front brake pressure. There also big variety of stoppie, but the most exiting and romantic is stoppie with kissing.

    Sports; Moto racing
  • wheelie

    Wheelie is the most popular of acrobatic stunts on the bike. Wheelie consist in lifting of the front of the motorcycle off the ground. There is big variety of wheelie: frog, high chair, seat stander, watch tower.

    Sports; Moto racing
  • Природа

    Последний стыковочный модуль пристыкованый 26 апреля 1996 года. Главной задачей которого было обеспечение возможности наблюдение за земной поверхностью в разных длинах волн и изучение поведения человека в условиях длительного космического ...

    Aerospace; Space shuttle
  • стыковочный модуль

    Был доставлен космическим шатлом НАСА с целью обеспечение последующей стыковки шатлов с космической станцией Мир. Пристыкован 15 ноября 1995 года.

    Aerospace; Space shuttle
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