
"Но моя усталость - отчаяние загнанной мыши, ...


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Russian (RU); Ukrainian (UK)

Other Languages:

Chinese, Simplified (ZS); English (EN)

  • психохимические

    Галлюциногенные вещества, вызывающие сдвиги в психике и поведении, сходные со сдвигами при психозе, обычно называют психотомиметиками. Эти вещества удовлетворяют не всем требованиям, предъявляемым к ХБ-средствам. Их действие на людей в условиях боя плохо предсказуемо. Если вещество предполагается ...

    Chemistry; Toxicology
  • общеядовитые

    Химические средства данного типа нарушают подачу кислорода из крови к клеткам тканей. Данное оружие является самым быстродействующим.

    Chemistry; Toxicology
  • кожно-нарывное

    Химические средства данного типа вызывают образование ожогов и нарывов на коже и слизистой оболочке глаз и оказывают также общее токсическое действие.

    Chemistry; Toxicology
  • Stop My Heart

    I believe in nothing Nothing but your smile and this madness Seems not possible to tame In these dark embraces Of the night we're waiting for so long Here we shine so close to flame Stop my heart again, I need this Sweetness of your deadly kisses When I feel my blood boiling in your veins Promise ...

    Music; Songs
  • Cry

    Gleaming visions of death Razor's touching my face Trails of hate and desire Liquid fire in my veins! I'm just trying to escape this World made of glass ?os my fragile wings are broken Cry and please let me mourn My blind emotions! Bye! Pain tears me apart From my devotions Here it's nothing but ...

    Music; Songs
  • My Fragile Winter Dream

    You see, I'm dying For this crystal temple of dreams Melting my crying In black waters of frozen streams. I've to be stronger But I feel your fingers are cold. These shadows are like you. I can't see your world. Winter will bury with the snow my pain You've never shared my sorrow, you'll ...

    Music; Songs
  • The Game

    You made of cold. I made of burning stars. It's just a game Strange game of pain and scars Don't trust my lips. You'll never win this war. You're my sweetest sin So feel regrets no more! I see your coming fall... this game has no end. My promises are shades on wet sand. Don't be so dogging shy to ...

    Music; Songs
  • Without You

    Saline hours Make me feel dishonest Leaving the world. I'm leaving alone. Future's empty. It's killing the moments, Driving the world, Well, baby, so long. Passion minutes overruled. Melting seasons ever doomed. Never felt mornings. Never had silence cry. Never caught tears. Never had fears ...

    Music; Songs
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