
Living in the light of God

New with Termwiki, pretty excited. I am Zimbabwean student, studying in China; working on a Masters ...



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  • CD-VT2 Portable CD Vocal and Instrument Trainer

    Vocal/Instrument trainerSlows and loops songs from CDs without changing pitchVocal canceller2 mic inputs, headphone & line outputs Comprehensive LCD displayThe new CD-VT2, is the latest introduction in the portable CD trainer line-a product category literally invented by Tascam. Like the ...

    Electronic components;
  • miracles

    An event that happens against all human power, and defies the laws of nature, also known as supernatural acts. Jesus performed man miracles, but through His death, resurrection, and ascension, passing down the power of the Holy Spirit, we are also able to do just as many, if not much more good ...

    Religion; Christianity
  • Easter

    A holiday which celebrates the resurrection of Jesus the third day after His crucifixion at Calvary. It was established by the first council of Nicaea on the first sunday after the full moon following the equinox. It is also symbolically linked to the Jewish Passover. Check Matthew 27 and 28

    Religion; Christianity
  • Faith

    Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for. By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible. ... " Faith is confidence ...

    Religion; Christianity
  • Reed Flute

    Discovered as early as 1497 in Capetown, South Africa by European travelers, this flute creates tunes of high to low pitch. . The playing of this flute was found among the Venda tribe, which had bands that would have up to 200 players, each playing a singe note. It is played along with a drum, to ...

    Music; Music instruments
  • Talking Drum

    The Talking Drum is an hour glass shaped drum from Western Africa, mainly the Yoruba people of Ghana. It exists in a multitude of variation but similar in construction. Its pith can be regulated to mimic the tone of human speech. It has two drum heads connected by leather tension chords, which ...

    Music; Music artists
  • Dink Tuich Trumpet

    A traditional South Sudanese instrument, which is made of Antelope Horn, carved, hollowed, perforated, stitched, strung tied and knotted. It has a narrow rounded point, with marked ribbing around its circumference, following the curvature of the horn. A round gourd is attached to the end to form a ...

    Music; Music instruments
  • Anthropomorphic harp

    Linked to the Colonial past of Zaire, which is now Democratic Republic of Congo, this instrument is attributed to Mangbetu people. It is an arched harp made of twisted copper wire, with a geometric, dotted, linear ivory body(sound box), which may be covered with hide. The heading is often a carving ...

    Music; Music instruments
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