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  • Ifrane -Morocco-

    Having no industries, the air quality is optimal. It is considered one of the cleanest cities in the world. Ifrane is a stay that you won't forget. It is reminiscent of certain Swiss villages! It is the perfect place to top up your reserves at altitude. When the weather is good, walk close to the ...

    Environment; Environmental conservation
  • Helsinki -Finland-

    Its main feature is the cleanliness. Finns are totally committed to protecting the environment and this is reflected in the city. To reduce the energy of the city to a minimum consumption, a complex system has been designed to generate heat by electricity. It should be noted that temperatures ...

    Environment; Environmental conservation
  • Honolulu -Hawaii-

    The Hawaiian city is the most popular and one of the busiest in the North Pacific. It is notable for its lush colorful vegetation. Although Hawaii has a condition known as "volcanic smog", Honolulu is considered one of the greenest and cleanest cities, with an air of impeccable quality.

    Environment; Environmental conservation
  • Wellington -New Zealand-

    The capital of New Zealand is an outright jungle. 33% of people are travelling by bus, a rather interesting number that reduces automobile pollution since most public transport function ecologically. Temperatures are generally high, but the wind can generate enough air to reduce heat.

    Environment; Environmental conservation
  • Adelaide -Australia-

    The city has one of the best urban designs of the country. In Adelaide, you have access to one of the largest wine regions, beaches and national parks of Australia. The city center is surrounded by green areas and contains historic buildings, wide streets, cafes and restaurants. The region has ...

    Environment; Environmental conservation
  • Kobe -Japan-

    The city has a drainage system independent of the waste water that prevents severe storms from affecting residual storm water treatment. She stands in a privileged place concerning life expectancy and culture.

    Environment; Environmental conservation
  • Ottawa -Canada-

    A city expert in environment care, chosen by UNESCO as the ideal place to test its eco city Biosphere. Recycling programs are advanced, in addition to being one of the most beautiful and clean cities.

    Environment; Environmental conservation
  • Reykjavik -Iceland-

    The purity of its air and high environmental awareness of the population reflect the fact that it is one of the cities with lowest car density of in the world per square kilometer.

    Environment; Environmental conservation
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