
Living in the light of God

New with Termwiki, pretty excited. I am Zimbabwean student, studying in China; working on a Masters ...



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  • jello

    Pour the powder mix into a bowl and moisten a Q-tip with water. Then, being very careful not to use your fingers, dip the Q-tip into the powder and apply it directly to your lips.

    Home furnishings; DIY
  • banana cleaning

    Use a banana to fix a DVD. Rub fresh cut banana in small circular motion. Next, wipe it down with the banana peel. The wax from the peel will help polish and further clean the disk. Take a clean cotton cloth and wipe the entire surface. Be sure to apply moderate pressure while moving in a circular ...

    Home furnishings; Dining room furniture
  • bowl

    Amplify the volume of your MP3 or phone by placing it in a bowl. This actually works. The larger the bowl, the louder the sound.

    Home furnishings; DIY
  • Jesus' Bruises

    Blood was shed through the bruises that Jesus received; He was bruised for our iniquities (bend in our nature towards sin). Bruises last a long time and go very deep. Jesus said "not only will i forgive what they've done on the outside, but I'm going to give them power on the inside so they can ...

    Religion; Christian theology
  • Pierced Heart

    Blood was shed when the spear pierced the side of Jesus (John 19:34) A soldier shoved a spear ino His side and blood and water poured out. Jesus died from a broken heart, which was from the weight of our sin. It is a physical phenomenon that when a person's heart bursts, the water and blood of his ...

    Religion; Christian theology
  • Spikes into His feet

    Blood was shed by the nails through the feet of Jesus, nailing Him to the cross. This won back dominion over the places we walk. Acts 19:20 says "So the word of the Lord was growing mightily and prevailing". Joshua 1:3 "Every place which the sole of our foot treads, I have given it to you,".

    Religion; Christian theology
  • Nails in His Hands

    The soldiers pounded spikes through his hands to nail Him to the cross. God had placed authority in the hands of Adam and Eve and through their disobedience they lost that authority. Jesus nail pierced hands brought back that authority to Gods children (Adams seed). This means that whatever evil, ...

    Religion; Christian theology
  • The Crown of Thorns

    The third place Jesus shed His blood was with the crown of thorns. This shedding broke the curse of poverty. We were cursed with poverty by the sweat of Adams brow: "Because you have heeded the voice of your wife. and have eaten from the tree of which I commanded you, saying 'You shall not eat of ...

    Religion; Christian theology
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