
Living in the light of God

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  • positioning

    Supermassive black holes likely exist at the centers of most galaxies. And since galaxies sometimes collide, that means, black holes do too, and when that happens, it's thought that one black hole 'kicks' the other out of the galaxy.

    Astrology; General astrology
  • gravity

    Black holes are black because their gravity is so strong that not even light can can escape. But they do emit radiation usually called Hawking Radiation, after Stephen Hawking, who first theorized its existence.

    Astrology; General astrology
  • Milky Way

    The milky way has a supermassive black hole in its center, and it seems to have exploded about 2 million years ago in an event known as a Seyfert flare. The radiation from the black hole would have been 100 million times more powerful than it is now; the explosion may have been visible from Earth.

    Astrology; General astrology
  • speed

    Black holes can emit material at nearly the speed of light. Using an array of radio telescopes, a team of scientists looked at a galaxy 1.5 billion light years from Earth and found that the black hole is doing just that. The jet is so powerful that it's blowing gas right out of the galaxy.

    Astrology; General astrology
  • what is a black hole

    Black holes are the densest objects in existence. If you made a black hole with the mass of the entire Earth, the black hole would be 9 millimeters across.

    Astrology; General astrology
  • formation

    Black holes can form when stars collapse in on themselves after death. They keep growing by eating the dust and gas around then. No-one is really sure how the biggest ones, called supermassive black holes, are born.

    Astrology; General astrology
  • Craco, Italy

    Its roots date back to the pre-Roman sixth century B.C. It was built on a summit, Craco's utility was initially derived from its ability to repel invaders. The town saw an average 1,500 inhabitants living in its grounds. The town's placement on a cliff precipice also threatened its integrity. ...

    Geography; Geography
  • Kolmanskop, Namibia

    Once a successful diamond mining community, Kolmanskop is now a desert ghost town where the houses welcome only sand. The desert city was originally built when Germans discovered great mineral wealth in the area. They built the town in an architecturally German style with a ballroom, a theater, and ...

    Geography; Geography
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