
Living in the light of God

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  • Almighty God

    God Almighty is the name that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob all used to refer to God, and not Lord. Genesis 35:11 God talking to Abraham refers to Himself in this way: "I am God Almighty..." and again in Genesis 17:1 before the changing of Abraham's name from Abram, God speaks to Abram saying " I Am ...

    Religion; Christian theology
  • I Am

    Exodus 3:14 God is talking to Moses at the burning bush, giving him his mission to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. "God said to Moses. " I AM who I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: "I AM has sent me to you." This denotes that God is eternal and unchanging, also that He is the ...

    Religion; Christian theology
  • Jesus

    The name Jesus and the description of his character and purpose is given in Matthew 1:21 "...and you are to give Him the name Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins." Isaiah 9:6 adds that at the time of His birth He was given the following names, in addition to the name Jesus, ...

    Religion; Christian theology
  • Immanuel

    Immanuel, quoted in the Book of Matthew, as well as Isaiah 7, is the one of the names of Jesus. This name proclaims who Jesus is, and what His purpose is, as it is a theophoric name (a name which contains the name of God) which is made up of two Hebrew words: El (end of the name) means "God", and ...

    Religion; Christian theology
  • Haewoojae

    This building with the name which means "to solve ones worries", is located in Suwon, South Korea. It is in fact shaped like a toilet, showcasing superior plumbing, it was built by Korean Assembly Representative Sim Jae-Duck also known as Mr Toilet. He hopes that it will bring attention to the ...

    Architecture; General architecture
  • Ontario College of Art and Design

    Ontario College of Art and Design livens up the street in Ontario, Canada, with its crossword puzzle checked box appearance. Designed by British architect Will Alsop, the box like shape is standing on brightly colored, angled, skinny columns that looks like they can barely support themselves.

    Architecture; General architecture
  • Selfridges Department Store

    Located in Birmingham, England and designed by Future Systems to be a land mark of a bland city center, this branch of Selfridges is a billowy mattress shaped building, covered in 15,000 shiny aluminum discs. It is said to be textural and architectural entertainment.

    Architecture; General architecture
  • Ramot Polin Apartments

    Located in Jerusalem, Israel, standing with 720 units, and a pentagon design like a honey comb, the Ramot Polin Apartments were designed by Polish born architect Zvi Heckers experimenting in multi-unit residential constructions. The project begun in 1972, the apartments were expanded later, ...

    Architecture; General architecture
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