Shin-Ru Pearce

The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want.

Skype ID: sharshar108
Freelance Translator


United States

My native language:

Chinese, Simplified (ZS)

Other Languages:

English (EN)

  • 母馬尾巴


    Weather; General weather
  • 恒壓表面


    Weather; General weather
  • 超級雷雨胞

    一次強雷暴旋轉、 長壽命、 強烈的上升氣流的特點。 雖然不是很常見的他們製造出數額較大的災害性天氣,特別是極大的冰雹,直線的風和幾乎所有暴力龍捲風造成損害。

    Weather; General weather
  • 氾濫平原

    在一條小溪旁邊的相對平坦的表面。 在洪水,當流溢出河岸,洪水準原水在流入。 流構建適應它們的最大洪水能力的洪泛平原。

    Earth science; Geology
  • Baste

    Temporary long running stitches created by hand or machine to hold fabric in place before the final stitching.

    Hobbies; Sewing
  • Yoke

    A panel either across the shoulders or at the waistline into which the bulk of the garment is sewn.

    Hobbies; Sewing
  • Serger

    Sewing machine that can seam, trim, and overcast raw edges in one step. Also called an "overlock machine."

    Hobbies; Sewing
  • Shoulder slope

    The sloped angle between the side base of the neck and the point on the shoulder where the set-in sleeve begins.

    Hobbies; Sewing
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