Shin-Ru Pearce

The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want.

Skype ID: sharshar108
Freelance Translator


United States

My native language:

Chinese, Simplified (ZS)

Other Languages:

English (EN)

  • 側單眼

    簡單的眼睛完全變態的幼蟲。 也被稱為外側對。

    Animals; Insects
  • 水生


    Animals; Insects
  • 氣門

    通過氣體擴散發生的毛孔呼吸氣管系統開頭之一。 他們通常出現在第三個胸節和腹部。

    Animals; Insects
  • 無翅亞綱昆蟲

    任何成員的 Apterygota-原始無翅昆蟲 (即,永遠不會在他們進化的歷史期間開發了翅膀的昆蟲) 在現代分類,這包括 Thysanura,但不是彈尾目昆蟲、 雙尾蟲和原尾綱不再被認為是昆蟲,但反而被稱為足。

    Animals; Insects
  • 有小刺的


    Animals; Insects
  • read between the lines

    Infer an unexpressed meaning. An early method of transmitting written coded messages was to write the secret information in invisible ink between the lines of a document. The recipient would then learn the information by reading between the lines. The phrase came to mean gaining an insight in the ...

    Language; Idioms
  • I am in over my head

    Too deeply involved with someone or something, beyond what one can deal with.

    Language; Idioms
  • head over heels

    Tumbling upside down. At top speed; frantically. Hopelessly smitten.

    Language; Idioms
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