Shin-Ru Pearce

The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want.

Skype ID: sharshar108
Freelance Translator


United States

My native language:

Chinese, Simplified (ZS)

Other Languages:

English (EN)

  • 撒面粉

    在烹饪前后在食物上裹上一层如面粉、 玉米面、 或糖等等的干燥原料。

    Culinary arts; Cooking
  • 加工处理


    Culinary arts; Cooking
  • chunmee


    Food (other); Tea
  • 眉毛是一个术语,是用来描述那些长在每只眼睛骨头突出的拱起部分上部的羽毛,这羽毛长在跟人眼眉毛近似位置。它也被称为 supercilium 或眉线 。

    Animals; Birds
  • 帝思拉舍

    勒舍 (Toxostoma lecontei) 是一種在美國西南部及墨西哥西北部沙漠中找到雀形目鳥類。

    Animals; Birds
  • ethernet extension Board

    These will typically beEthernet Extension Board included on the USB extension board though can be on their own boards as well.

    Computer; Laptops
  • USB extension board

    Each laptop model will use a different USB configuration, some will use USB extension boards and some will just have the integrated USB ports that come on the motherboard. This extension board is used to stretch Ports to opposite sides of the laptop when it is not possible to use integrated ports. ...

    Computer; Laptops
  • bottom base

    If you flip the laptop over when it’s closed, you will encounter the Bottom Base of the laptop. This will usually have removable covers located somewhere on it (hard drive cover, Wi-Fi port cover, etc…).

    Language; Idioms
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