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  • Tyrion Lannister

    Tyrion Lannister is the youngest son of Lord Tywin Lannister and younger brother of Cersei and Jaime Lannister. A dwarf, he uses his wit and intellect to overcome the prejudice he faces. He is a dwarf, causing him problems and persecution. His size has led him to being referred to derisively by ...

  • Cersei Lannister

    Cersei is the only daughter and eldest child of Joanna Lannister and Lord Tywin Lannister. Tywin is the head of House Lannister, the richest man in the Seven Kingdoms and Lord Paramount of the Westerlands. The Westerlands are one of the constituent regions of the Seven Kingdoms and House Lannister ...

  • Khal Drogo

    Drogo is a powerful warlord and feared warrior.(known as the Great Khal) He marries Daenerys Targaryen and subsequently grows to love her. He promises to retake the Seven Kingdoms for her after she survives an assassination attempt. He raids a Lhazareen village to take slaves to fund the planned ...

  • Daenerys Targaryen

    Daenerys Targaryen, sometimes called Dany by her brother Viserys. She is the only surviving child of King Aerys II Targaryen, who was ousted from the Iron Throne during Robert's Rebellion. Daenerys's mother was sent to safety on Dragonstone island just before the Sack of King's Landing, and died ...

  • Hawkeye

    His real name is Clinton Francis "Clint" Barton, and was orphaned at an early age when his parents died in a car accident and was sent to a children's home with his brother Bernard. He and his brother ran away to join the Carson Carnival of Traveling Wonders, and the pair worked as ...

    Literature; Comics
  • Black Widow

    She's also known as Natasha Romanoff, a former agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Her identity is publicly known. Born circa 1928, Natalia "Natasha" Romanova was apparently orphaned as a child when she was trapped in a burning building during an early attack on Stalingrad by enemy forces. Ivan ...

    Literature; Comics
  • Hulk

    The Hulk is the form taken by Bruce Banner whenever he is stressed, enraged or seriously injured. This is due to exposure to gamma radiation during an experiment attempting to find a way of making humans immune to gamma radiation. Dr. Bruce Banner is a genius in nuclear physics, possessing a mind ...

    Entertainment; Popular culture
  • Loki

    Loki Laufeyson is an Asgardian prince, the God of Mischief and a major supervillain in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. A misshapen Frost Giant, he is the adopted brother and nemesis of Thor, the adopted son of Odin and Frigga, and the biological son of the Frost Giant Laufey. Loki possesses ...

    Anthropology; Mythology
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