Home >  Term: trust

1. In cryptology and cryptosystems, that characteristic allowing one entity to assume that a second entity will behave exactly as the first entity expects. Note: Trust may apply only for some specific function. The critical role of trust in the authentication framework is to describe the relationship between an authenticating entity and a certification authority; an authenticating entity must be certain that it can trust the certification authority to create only valid and reliable certificates. 2. Reliance upon Security Measures to uphold the Security policy. Note: The term is not synonymous with "trustworthy". The trustworthiness of trusted items may be established (e.g. By evaluation) at a later stage. 3. A relationship between two elements, a set of activities and a security policy in which element X trusts element Y if and only if X has confidence that Y will behave in a well defined way (with respect to the activities) that does not violate the given security policy. 4. Confidence, that may be based on assurances which are outside the scope of this Report, that an entity to which trust is applied, will perform in a way that will not prejudice the security of the user of the system of which that entity is a part. Trust is always restricted to specific functions or ways of behavior (e. G. , "trusted to connect A to B properly". )Trust is meaningful only in the context of a security policy: an entity may be trusted in the context of one policy but untrusted in the context of another policy.

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