Home >  Term: service provider
service provider

1. An organization that provides services for content providers and for users of a computer network. Note: The services may include access to the computer network, content hosting, server of a private message handling system, news server, etc. 2. A company, organization, administration, business, etc. , that sells, administers, maintains, charges for, etc. , the service. The service provider may or may not be the provider of the network. 3. Relative to numbering guidelines and FCC regulations, service provider refers to a telecommunications carrier or other entity that receives numbering resources from the NANPA, a Pooling Administrator or a telecommunications carrier for the purpose of providing or establishing telecommunications service (FCC 00-104, §52. 5 (i). ) ***PROPOSED ADDITION***1. An organization that provides services for content providers and for users of a communications network. Note: The services may include access to the communications network, content hosting, server of a private message handling system, news server, etc. 2. A company, organization, administration, business, etc. , that sells, administers, maintains, charges for, etc. , the service. The service provider may or may not be the provider of the network. 3. Relative to numbering guidelines and FCC regulations, service provider refers to a telecommunications carrier or other entity that receives numbering resources from the NANPA, a Pooling Administrator or a telecommunications carrier for the purpose of providing or establishing telecommunications service (FCC 00-104, §52. 5 (i). )This definition is being proposed for addition/change in the ATIS Telecom Glossary by the PRQC. If you have any objections to this acronym being added to the Telecom Glossary, please contact Paul Savitz, PRQC Committee Administrator, via email at psavitz@atis. Org to note your objection. ***

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