Home >  Term: data circuit-terminating equipment (DCE)
data circuit-terminating equipment (DCE)

1. In a data station, the equipment that (a) performs functions, such as signal conversion and coding, at the network end of the line between the data terminal equipment (DTE) and the line, and (b) may be a separate or an integral part of the DTE or of intermediate equipment. 2. The interfacing equipment that may be required to couple the data terminal equipment (DTE) into a transmission circuit or channel and from a transmission circuit or channel into the DTE. Synonyms data communications equipment (deprecated,) data set (deprecated. ) 3. Abbreviation for distributed computing environment. An architecture of standard programming interfaces, conventions, and server functionalities (e.g., naming, distributed file system, remote procedure call) for distributing applications transparently across networks of heterogeneous computers.

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